Find Your Next Marketing Coordinator

Find Your Next Marketing Coordinator

Find Your Next Marketing Coordinator

The marketing coordinator is probably the toughest position to fill right now. Posting a job opening on your website probably isn’t enough. You are most likely going to find your next marketing coordinator by searching for them instead of them apply to your site. Listed below are some of the proactive recruiting ideas I have had success to find new marketing coordinators.

Proactive Strategies to Find Your Next Marketing Coordinator

Ask Your Network

Let your network know that you are actively looking for this position and what the ideal candidate would look like. Let them know to forward to anyone they know who is looking for a change. Do this via email and attending networking events. Tell everyone, everywhere you go (at church, the grocery store, your neighbor’s BBQ, etc.) what you type of person you are looking for. You never know who knows someone looking for a change.

Ask Teaming Partners and Subconsultants

If your firm teams or subs a lot, chances are those partners work with other firms. Ask if who they have the most success with. Ask them to reach out to that person on your behalf to gauge interest.

Research LinkedIn

Do extensive searching on LinkedIn using the keywords and geographic location filters. Then reach out to those folks who remotely match your requirements. Also, consider signing up for the premium LinkedIn recruiting tool. This will give more search options and a wider audience to search from. They usually give you 30 days for free. I have signed up for this free 30 days a few times. LinkedIn can be very powerful to find the BD folks as well. If they are good, they will have a very active account and be visible.

Identify the Firms who are Winning in Your Markets

Then find out who their marketing person is and reach out using LinkedIn or through your network. This is a more aggressive approach, so you may want to proceed with caution. Since our industry is small, I never want to burn any bridges with potential future teaming partners. If you take a future teaming partner’s marketing all-star, it may come back to hurt your firm.

Think Outside the Industry

Post the job on the local chapter websites like American Marketing Association (AMA) or Corporate and Business Communications Professional Interest, etc. Just Google marketing organizations and see what pops up. You might find a job board that you haven’t thought of.

Leverage Your Recruiters

If your firm utilizes a recruiter (internal or external), make sure that you are communicating regularly with specific criteria you are looking for and other criteria that could be expanded. Give them examples of either LinkedIn profiles or past resumes so that he/she knows what exactly you are looking for.

Find Extra Marketing Help

Read this article to learn about filling in the marketing gap while you trying to find a new marketing coordinator.


What are some other ways you have been able to find your marketing coordinator? Share what other active recruiting tactics worked below in the comments.

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